Enrichment Classes



Our Bay Area based company, TeachOne Sports, would love the opportunity to host after school sports enrichment programs at your school this spring, summer, or fall.

We come to your facilities and teach your students the individual fundamentals and team skills of their favorite sports.

Whether you have a beautiful gym, an old outdoor court, or a patch of grass. We will make it work by sending a certified coach with all the necessary equipment.

We offer afterschool classes in the following sports:

  1. Basketball

  2. Flag Football

  3. Pickleball

  4. Soccer

  5. Volleyball

  6. Combination of all the above

  7. Physical Education (during school hours available)

How does it work?

You give us the dates and we will come ready to go! Usually, our programming is 1x a week per class and lasts 10 weeks long (8 or 6 weeks available). If you are looking for a coach for Physical Education, a daily class of course can be provided.

The average cost is $300/athlete for a 10-week program ($30/session), and we can take up to 20 athletes K-8th Grade per class.

Most schools send out an email one month before the proposed start day and we blow all expectations out of the water with enrollment numbers.

Here is a list of the last 3 schools to join our network.

Mills College Children’s School Oakland, CA

Oshman Family JCC Palo Alto, CA

Oakland Fitness Gym Oakland, CA

Let’s set up a time to connect face to face and discuss bringing our programming to your school!


Hamadah Sharif